The Fruit of Self-Control

The Fruit of Self-Control

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)

This tells us the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit. Nine in Bible numerology represents the Holy Spirit. He produces this fruit. The word fruit is singular, but the fruit He produces seems to be plural- one Spirit, several manifestations of His fruit. In John 15, Jesus said God wants us to bear fruit. As we abide in God’s Word and as we abide in the Holy Spirit, we bear, or produce this fruit- including temperance.

Temperance means self-control. As we give Holy Spirit control, He helps us to control ourselves. In the original language, the word speaks of having mastery over one’s desires, appetites, and passions. Self-control is basically what it sounds like: being in control of oneself, having power over ourselves. It results in restraint, discipline, moderation, and balance.

We can’t control others’ thoughts, decisions, or how they may treat us- whether right or wrong. However, we can control ourselves by the Holy Spirit and the Word, especially when treated poorly. Because we have the fruit of temperance, we do not have to be controlled by lack of self-control. We can respond correctly by the power of Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Our flesh does not have to rule over us, causing us to be controlled by natural desires such as food, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. The fruit of self-control gives us the power to resist and overcome temptation.

The more we use self-control, the more we can resist the devil, fear, people, our flesh, and even the normal trials of life. Instead, we can maintain our peace, joy, and walk with the Spirit, doing life God’s way instead of the way of the devil and the flesh. Then, we will grow, bearing fruit for God, and people will see our light and glorify God as a result.

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