The Value of Time Spent With God

The Value of Time Spent With God

My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. Song of Solomon 2:10 (NKJV)

Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs as some call it, is a discourse on married love. It is extremely intimate and, if we were to go into the original language, it is very graphic in its description of the marriage relationship. And while it speaks of the love between a man and woman, it is representative of the love between Christ, the Bridegroom, and His church, the bride.

In the natural, there is no closer physical intimacy than that which is experienced by a husband and wife sexually. That is where two flesh become one together. It is a picture of the spiritual closeness that God desires to have with each of us. We are to experience oneness with Him.

In order to have a real relationship with our Creator, we must make time to be with Him. We can’t maintain a vibrant, healthy, closeness with God without spending time in His presence. A marriage cannot stay strong without regular physical affection and intimacy, and we must remain close to God to keep our relationship with Him intact.

Daily, we must spend time in His Word, because He and His Word are one. The Bible is an integral part of keeping a healthy relationship with God. Also, we must continually seek Him in prayer and listen for Him to speak to us. A relationship without communication is not a relationship at all. The word relationship refers to relating to someone, which requires communication. And our time with Him should include worship- those words of love spoken to Him. A marriage relationship thrives when the husband and wife speak words of love and affection to each other, praising and complimenting one another. This is true of our relationship with the Lord as well.

Periodically, we should also set aside an extended time to spend seeking the Lord. Like a marriage relationship benefits when the two partners go away for romantic getaways and vacations to renew their love, we need to get away with the Lord. Dedicating a few days to focus on God will reignite the passion and love we have for Him. And He will share His heart with us, giving us deeper revelation of who He is and how He loves us.

The value of time spent with God cannot be calculated. It is so important to be with Him, to seek His face, and hear His heart. That is what it really means to have a personal relationship with the Lord. He is a personal God, and He wants to get personal with each of us.

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