The Least Will Be The Greatest

The Least Will Be The Greatest

And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35 (English Standard Version, ESV)

Jesus’ disciples were arguing with each other about who would be the greatest among them. Self-will wants to be the top dog, to be number one. The self is willing to do most anything to promote itself and be on top. However, Jesus says that to be first, we must be the last of all and the servant of all.

As the law of sowing and reaping tells us, we get what we sow. As we put others first, God puts us first. As we seek to serve all, God makes us greatest of all. Therefore, don’t think that who you are and what you do are little. God uses little things to make big things. What you do may seem to be small and unnoticed, but know that Jesus sees and hears you. Do it for Jesus, and He will be stacking up the rewards for you.

Jesus took a child and put it in the midst of them. He took the child in His arms and said that whoever receives a child receives Him. Jesus was saying for us to be like a child; loving, humble, and trusting. He was instructing them and us to receive one another and be loving, humble, and trusting.

God will give us what we need. We don’t have to self-promote or push and shove to get recognized. As Jesus embraces us, we are to embrace Him and one another. God will make each of us who He wants us to be and will give us what He has for us. Love others, seek to benefit them, and don’t look for promotion or importance in the eyes of man. God sees us, and we will be rewarded in amazing and beautiful ways we could never achieve on our own.

A Matter of Trust

A Matter of Trust

