Sacrifice- There Is A Reward

Sacrifice- There Is A Reward

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)

We have all seen or known of people who made sacrifices to benefit others. When we sacrifice for others in Jesus’ name, it is never a mistake or in vain. Whether they thank us or not or ever do anything for us, sacrificing for another’s good is one of the highest expressions of love. We sacrifice out of love, doing what we can to make their lives better. We can sacrifice a little or much. Our sacrifice may be easy or it may be a major inconvenience fo us. Regardless, sacrificing is a good thing and is a way to demonstrate the love of Jesus.

Sacrifices always lay a foundation for others to build upon for a better tomorrow. For example, the forefathers of the United States of America gave up much, many giving up everything, for us today. And all the men and women who served and are serving- they have sacrificed. Some made the ultimate sacrifice- their lives. We cannot allow their sacrifices to be in vain. We must build upon them.

A sacrifice is a seed we sow to bless others. Jesus was the supreme Sacrifice, sacrificing His own life. He died to give us God’s eternal life. He sacrificed because he loved. He gave because he loved. He died because He loved. There is no greater love than to lay down your life for others. Sowing sacrificially into or on behalf of others will always produce a harvest.

It is good to live sacrificially- if your sacrifices are for the right reasons. Motive is important. Always ask yourself, “Why am I sacrificing- to give or to gain?” As we give to others and to God, we will truly reap a reward. Jesus sacrificed for us and now He is reaping a massive reward of souls- the greatest reward anyone could receive.

We can sacrifice for one person or many. We can sacrifice to give others a better day or even a better life. Sacrifices come in all sizes and shapes. As we give in Jesus’ name, our sacrifices will help to bring many souls into Jesus’ kingdom. The sacrifice is definitely worth the reward.

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