Seek First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

The word seek in Greek actually means aim at. The kingdom and God’s righteousness are to be our first aim. How do we do this?

We do this by putting God first each day. It is a daily decision and discipline that will bring delight to your heart, day, and life. We are to spend time with God daily through prayer (talking and listening to God), studying God’s Word, worshiping and waiting on God. We also do it by doing what God wants before we do what we want. When we put God first, He takes care of us.

We seek God, and we seek His righteousness. We seek His righteousness by accepting Jesus as our righteousness. He has made us right with God. We are accepted, pleasing to God and in right standing with Him.

As we put God first by wanting Him more than anyone or anything, and we go after Him with everything in us, we experience who God is. We find that He is righteous and that He has made us righteous. As we spend time with Him, we become more like Him- and we reaize the things we thought we wanted pale in comparison with God and His kingdom rule. We see that His righteousness; His way of doing things, is what we really need. This is what it means to delight ourselves in the Lord. And He gives us the desires of our hearts and adds to our lives all we need.

Our greatest need is God Himself. God makes Himself available to us. As we give ourselves to God, God gives Himself to us in greater measure. It is a daily cycle in which we seek God and find Him. In ever-increasing amounts, God gives to us and we give to Him. That, my friend, is what it means to seek first.

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