It's All Interconnected

It's All Interconnected

We tend to separate things. We like to categorize things and treat them as if they don’t have any relationship to each other. We separate the secular from the sacred. We separate the natural from the supernatural, the spiritual from the physical, the body from the soul from the spirit. However, the truth is, it’s all inter-connected. When something happens in one realm, it affects the other realms. We can’t cut them apart and dissect them.

Clearly, the Lord owns the sky, the highest heavens, the earth, and everything in it. Deuteronomy 10:14 (Common English Bible, CEB)

For example, when something happens to us physically, it affects our soul (mind, will, and emotions) and out spirit (intuition, communion, and conscience). Physical sickness impacts our ability to relate to ourselves (soul) and to God (spirit). And when we are not in right relationship with God (spirit), it affects our emotions and thoughts (soul) as well as how we sleep and even physically feel (body). The three parts of our make-up are so intricately intertwined that what impacts one impacts all of them.

And we cannot separate the physical world from the spiritual world. Although we don’t always see it or are even aware of it, there is constant spiritual activity around us. The warfare between the angelic host and the demonic forces are at play in the heavenlies and the effects are seen in the natural world. It affects the weather, the atmosphere and how it makes us feel. We can sense oppression over an area because of demoinc activity. And it causes people to sin and do wicked deeds, which can affect the people around them- possible even entire nations. And we can also sense when a region is dedicated to God- a sense of peace and freedom is evident, espeicially to the discerning.

We definitely cannot divide the sacred and secular. As Christians, everything we do should be treated as sacred, because we are set apart to God’s use. Therefore, everything we do, whether it is done in the business world, the educational sphere, the entertainment industry, the church, or wherever, is considered holy to God.

And finally, we cannot put a separation between lives. What one person does affects another- maybe many others. How we live and conduct ourselves impacts and influences other people. It’s like a domino effect. Our lives are connected and strategically placed for God’s greater plan and purpose. We all play a part and if we don’t fulfill our assignment, it impacts everyone else.

It’s all interconnected. Everything around us and in us is part of a great inter-woven tapestry of God’s plan, goodness, and genius. One piece of the plan has an effect on all the others. That is why it is so important to live for God and do His will so it will have a positive effect on everything else involved. What God has joined together, man cannot separate!

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