What Is Consecration?

O Lord, I give my life to you. Psalm 25:1 (New Living Translation, NLT)

To consecrate something means to set it aside, to dedicate it to a separate purpose. Sadly, consecration isn’t a word we hear much anymore. As believers, we are to live consecrated lives, separated from the world and dedicated for the Lord’s use. You may have also heard it called sanctification or holiness.

Consecration is something that must first happen in the heart- in our spirit man. We must become separated and dedicated to God in our hearts before we can lead consecrated lives on the outside. Too often, people have tried to be consecrated first on the outside, trying to modify their behavior before they have been changed inside. That will only bring bondage and pull people further from God because we cannot consecrate ourselves by outward action only. That is why you cannot become consecrated by keeping certain rules and avoiding certain behaviors- that will only last so long and then resentment sets it. Consider religious groups that mandate that people cannot do things such as go to movies, dance, or wear make-up. That is an attempt to be consecrated by outward works only- and it does not work. And it turns people away from God.

Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. I Peter 3:3-4 (New American Standard Bible, NASB) emphasis mine

Yes, there are certain things that Christians should refrain from doing, but our hearts must be transformed in order for lasting changes in our lifestyles to take place. When we seek transformation in our spirit and souls, we will see changes take place in our behavior. The more we determine to get into the Word, and the more we pray in tongues and cooperate with the Holy Spirit, the more changes will take place in us. And when changes take place in us, they always show up on the outside.

God expects us to live lives of consecration to Him. We are to be dedicated to Him and His service. In order to do so, we must make the quality decision to read the Word, pray in the Spirit, and follow His leading when He tells us to get away from something, whether it is an activity, person, etc. God will speak to our hearts and show us areas that need to be adjusted. It is our job to listen and obey. That is how consecration happens- it is an inward process that results in outward change. However, it begins with a decision to dedicate yourself to Him. We cannot be half in- half out Christians. We must be all in for Jesus. Otherwise, we end up being lukewarm in our faith. And lukewarm Christians, living lives of complacency and apathetic to the things of God, are not pleasing to God.

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! Revelation 3:15-16 (New Living Translation, NLT)

Make the decision today to become consecrated to God by praying and getting in the Word and doing what it says. When we stand out from the world, Jesus is glorified in our lives. Consecration really is a beautiful thing.

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