The Road to Victory

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14 (New International Version, NIV)

Jesus is the narrow gate that we enter through in order to receive eternal life (John 10:7). He is also the road we follow (John 14:6) to get to the Father. It is true that Jesus is the only way to heaven. However, the narrow road also refers to the kind of life we choose in order to live the best possible Christian life.

There are many people who have made Jesus the Lord of their life and who believe on Him for their salvation. They have entered through the narrow Gate. Yet, there is a narrow road within Christianity that we can choose in order to experience more of God and live in greater power and anointing. To be honest, there are not many Christians who take this road because it requires a greater amount of self-denial and greater effort to apply the Word in their lives. In a nutshell- it requires sacrifice.

It means restricting the influences in our lives to only godly ones. God may deal with us about the shows we watch, the music we hear, and the movies we view. He may tighten up our language- removing not just curse words but also unbelieving, idle words and phrases that contradict the Word. He may instruct us to distance ourselves from certain people. Why does He deal with us like this? Because He wants to remove any hindrance to us getting every promise He has for us. Are we working to gain our salvation? No, if we received Jesus, He has already done the work required for that. It is simply so we can live a victorious life.

The greatest benefit to following the narrow road is that we get closer and closer to the Lord. We experience His presence in a greater way, and we receive fullness of joy, wisdom, and power from spending time with Him.

The narrow road might seem restricted, but it leads to an unlimited supply of the blessing in our lives. Choose to take the narrow road and experience all that God has for you.

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