A Deeper Word

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Do You Have A Word Deficiency?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “The more you put into something, the more you get out of it.” This is true, according to Mark 4:24. I have included it here in The Passion Translation (TPT) and the Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC).

Then he said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to the depth of your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. Mark 4:24 (TPT)

And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. Mark 4:24 (AMPC)

We can be so lazy. Much of the time, we want the Bible study to be done by others, but we want to reap the benefits. We can’t expect the pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher and others to do our Bible study for us. We will get as much from the Bible as we put into studying it. If we want to walk in godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, we must spend time in the Word of God. And if we want a deep, meaningful relationship with the God of the Bible, we must spend time in His Word so we can get to know Him. Even devotionals and blog posts like this one are no substitute for personal Bible study. Devotions, posts, and sermons are good but they should serve as springboards from which we launch our own deeper study of what they covered.

When we neglect the Word, we neglect our own well-being. We need to have the Word in our hearts and we need to understand what it tells us so we can stand steadfast in days of adversity. If we have no healing scriptures deposited in our hearts from times of Bible study, then we have no ammunition to fight off sickness and disease when the devil tries to bring it our way. If we don’t understand what it means to prosper in all economic conditions, when the world economic situation tanks or we become unemployed, we will have no idea how to rely on God for finances. You see, it is important that we put time into reading and studying the Scriptures because we really do get everything we need from them.

It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever [there is no profit in it]. The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life. John 6:63 (AMPC)

Jesus is the Word made flesh (see John 1). He is the living, breathing Word of God. And He said that His Words are full of life. When we spend time in God’s Word, it not only imparts knowledge, but it gives us life. If we need more energy, life, and creativity, we will find it in the Word. If you are lethargic, lack drive, and have no energy, it may be because you have a Word deficiency.

Everything we need to live an abundant life is in the pages of the Bible. It really is more than ink on paper- the Word is alive. And when we put our efforts into studying it, we are made alive too.