Recommended Readings to Go Deeper

Recommended Readings to Go Deeper

If you are looking to go beyond surface Christianity and experience a deeper walk with the Lord, it requires two things: desire and effort. A deeper walk doesn’t mean you are some sort of theological giant, but it does mean that you place a great emphasis on the Lord and the things of the Lord. It means that God and the Word are first place in your life and you are actively pursuing more knowledge and revelation every day. To do this, we need to study the Bible, and we need to also supplement our Bible reading with solid Christian books and teaching. Today, I am going to share some of the books that I recommend for spiritual growth and other ministry tools that you may find useful in your own life.

First of all, it is very helpful to have access to a variety of Bible translations and versions. It doesn’t mean you have to own dozens of Bibles- you can access many of them through website or apps such as Bible Gateway. A word of warning- be cautious with paraphrase Bibles such as the Message or the Living Bible. Paraphrases are men putting the Bible in their own words- their own ideas of what a verse or passage is saying. These paraphrases can be interesting and give another pespective on a verse, but don’t base your doctrines or beliefs on them since they are basically men’s opinions of the meaning of a verse. On the other hand, Bibles that are not paraphrase Bibles use the Latin Vulgate or the original language to translate the Bible. Some of my personal favorite go-to translations/versions are:

  • The New King James Version (NKJV)

  • The New Living Translation (NLT)

  • The New International Version (NIV)

  • The Amplified Bible (AMP)

  • The Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC)

  • The Passion Translation (TPT)

Many of these Bibles are available as study Bibles, meaning there are notes and articles included in the Bible to assist your study of the Word. In addition to Bibles, I recommend that you invest in a Strong’s concordance, which will give you the ability to look at the original meaning of a word from the original Hebrew and Greek.

Now let’s look at a few good books to help in your study of the Word. One of the most impactful books I have ever read is The Blessing of the Lord by Kenneth Copeland. I thought I understood the blessing until I read that book.

I also recommend two devotional books that are almost more like text books because the information is so rich. Both were written by Greek scholar Rick Renner: Sparkling Gems of the Greek I and Sparkling Gems of the Greek II. Each devotion is a full-blown study in the meaning of words in the New Testament and applying that knowledge to our lives.

I would also tell you to read Christian books on a variety of subjects to help you apply biblical truths to the various parts of your life. Books by Joyce Meyer, such as The Battlefield of the Mind and others will show you the connection between your thoughts, emotions, and the level of victory in your life.

Books by Lee Stroebel such as The Case For Christ, will help you with answering people when they question the truth of the Gospel. These kinds of books are called apologetics and give you evidence you can cite that supports the Bible.

I also read books on history that are written from a Christian perspective. They help me shape my world view to align with God’s. One example of a good book on U.S. History is The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. It is the first in a series of books that emphasizes the role of Christianity in American History.

I also find it inspiring to read biographies and autobiographies on the lives of believers. When we read about the challenges others have overcome, it can help us to rise above our obstacles. I learned a lot from God’s Generals by Roberts Liardon. I also found Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas to be inspiring.

One additional book I must mention is The Final Quest by Rick Joyner. It is a prophetic allegory that speaks to the times in which we live. Once you read it, you’ll understand why i recommend it.

My list of recommended readings could go on and on, so I’ll end by giving a list of some of the authors I believe would help you in your Christian walk:

  • Kenneth E. Hagin

  • Perry Stone

  • Rick Renner

  • Joyce Meyer

  • Watchman Nee

  • Madame Jeanne Guyon

  • John Bevere

  • Lisa Bevere

  • John Hagee

  • Kenneth Copeland

  • Gloria Copeland

  • David Barton

  • Dr. Don Colbert

  • Dr. Caroline Leaf

  • Rick Joyner

  • Joseph Prince

I could go on and on, but this should give you a good start. I applaud your desire to go deeper in God, and I believe you will find these resources and authors very helpful in your spiritual development.

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