A Deeper Word

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Prayer: Continual Communication

Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV)

Prayer means to speak to God, to offer prayer, to give thanks, to request something. It is to attend to something and to draw near to God.

Prayer is continual communication with God. We are to pray without stopping, keeping our hearts and minds on the Lord. It is a continual consciousness of God’s presence- His omnipresence, His abiding presence, His manifest presence.

Prayer is communion with God, where we talk to God and listen to Him, and He talks and listens to us. You don’t stop. You keep this up for a lifetime. Prayer is a continual, living communion and fellowship with the Lord. You have a spirit to Sprit relationship with Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. Believe it or not, this type of prayer and communion doesn’t even stop while we sleep. Our spirit man does not sleep and neither does God. He will speak to us in dreams, giving answers and continuing to bless us.

Therefore, don’t stop talking and listening to God. Let prayer be your lifestyle, your way of life. Make your life itself a prayer to God, a living sacrifice where you pray to God without ceasing. Prayer can be an expression of worship. As your worship glorifies God, prayer is the same. God is to be glorified in our entire lives, with a continual attitude of prayer being a part of that.