Jesus Christ Our Healer

 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

Consider the phrases wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities. Those phrases speak of spiritual healing The phrase, the chastisement of our peace was upon him refers to soulish healing (the mind, will, and emotions). And the phrase with his stripes we are healed, talks of physical healing. Jesus provided healing for us- spirit, soul, and body.

Christ, our Healer, took on every pain, disease, sickness on Himself when He became our sacrificial substitute. Jesus paid the full and total price for our complete salvation. It covered every part of us. He gave us eternal life in place of spiritual death, plus He provided safety, blessings, healing and health for us.

For our spirit man, Jesus was separated from God, thus experiencing spiritual death so we don’t have to. He went to hell for three days and nights and rose again, born of God’s Spirit. He did this so we could be born-again in our spirits. He gave us eternal life, the God kind of life. We have new spirits to enter and live in God’s presence. God is now our Father, and we have promises to cover any and every need. Christ was separated from His Father God, just as we were, but He paid the price and was reunited with His Father and gave us access to be reunited with Him as well.

For our souls- our minds, wills, and emotions- Jesus also paid the price for healing and restoration. He suffered and bled for us, so we would not suffer.

He took the crown of thorns on His head for our mental anguish. He gave us the mind of Christ, to think like Him and not to be tormented in our thoughts. Because of Him, we can think right, have peace of mind, and receive God’s thoughts, instead of the thoughts of the devil. The blood covered His head, and now the blood of Christ covers and cleanses our thinking. We are protected and can think correctly based on the Word of God.

Jesus suffered emotionally in the Garden of Gethsemane. As He sweat great drops of blood, He gave us emotional well-being and for our will to surrender to the will of the Father. He died to give us emotional healing, so we can have stable, healthy emotions, and be ruled by our spirits and not by emotions. Plead the blood of Jesus, and declare that it has made you free and healed from negative emotions. Jesus was bound (Matthew 27:2) so we could be set free.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (KJV)

Jesus’ physical body was mauled in every way imaginable. He suffered in every part of His physical being to bring healing to our physical bodies. No matter what type of sickness, disease, injury, or illness, and no matter how bad it is, Jesus provided healing for it. For back pain, he took stripes on His back. For any misalignment in our muscular- skeletal system, His bones were pulled out of joint. For any abuse, He was physically beaten to heal it. Any pain or malfunction in our spirit, soul, or body was paid for by Jesus. Jesus purchased our total wholeness- nothing missing and nothing broken. That is complete salvation.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

Jesus wants to preserve our spirits, souls, and bodies blameless until He comes for us. Because Jesus suffered it all and took it all on Himself, we do not have to carry anything He already carried for us. This is the great exchange. Jesus Christ took our sins, sickness, disease, poverty, and separation from God, giving us His righteousness, health, life, relationship with God, prosperity, blessing, and every good thing. Because Christ is our Healer, we can now live a full and fulfilled life in Him.

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