Contrary to Design

Contrary to Design

Everything that is made is made with a purpose. Cars are made for travel. Food is made for nourishment. Money is made to provide for our physical needs. You get the idea. However, when people go against the intended use of a thing, it results in disaster. When a car is used to run people over instead of moving them from place to place, it is a wicked thing. When food is used to excess purely for enjoyment and results in gluttony, it is a wicked thing. When money is used to gain power and control over people, it is a wicked thing. When man uses something contrary to it’s designed purpose, it is wicked.

The word wicked comes from a root word that means to twist. We see it in the word wicker, in which fibers or straws are twisted into baskets, furniture, etc. The devil is a master at the art of twisting things, thus he is wicked. He takes what God designed to be used in a certain fashion, and he twists it and causes it to be used for that which it was never intended.

because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing. Romans 1:25-27 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

If we look objectively at the way the human body is designed, it is easy to see that the Lord designed us biologically for males to have intercourse with females. Our anatomy shows us that. However, this has been twisted by the enemy, and people have been deceived into using their bodies in a way they weren’t made to be used, resulting in disease, confusion, and, in many cases, death. The devil took something that was designed to create life and give us pleasure, and he perverted it. Instead of creating life, such sexual relations does not result in creating any life, and brings destruction to the lives of many. This shows us that, while we love and care about people who are in the homosexual lifestyle, homosexuality itself is not from God but is from the wicked one.

“You shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the testimony and the cause of the righteous. Exodus 23:8 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

Looking at wealth, we can see that the devil tries to turn it into something people use to manipulate and get what they want at the expense of others. Instead of being a tool to bless others and be generous, it has brought about greed and selfishness. Money itself is not wicked, but people’s twisted attitudes about it have led to it’s incorrect use.

The womb of a woman is intended to give life and increase the human race. The enemy has taken that place of life and protection and made it into a place of murder and death. Because it is using the womb contrary to its original design, it is easy to see that abortion is wicked and twisted.

Look at entertainment. God gave us technology to preach the Gospel and expand the kingdom, as well as to entertain, edify, and uplift the body of Christ. However, television, movies, music, and the internet have been commandeered by the devil and twisted into another use. It has corrupted minds, turned people away from God, and set people on a path that results in harm.

Consider government. It’s original design was to serve and protect the people and to uphold godly order in society. Instead, greedy and power-hungry people have taken seats of authority and used their positions for gain and self-promotion- usually at the expense of the people they were supposed to serve.

These are just a few examples, but we can see that when something is used contrary to it’s design and original intent, it is a wicked and twisted thing. The devil likes to take God’s creation and pervert it. He gets a kick out of twisting the very things God made and turning them into something else entirely. And when the devil gets his hands on something and twists it, the result is always wicked and evil.

Let’s use our God-given authority to take back what the devil has stolen and twisted into something wicked and ungodly. We can transform this world into something wonderful and God-honoring if we’ll just use our authority and regain the ground we’ve lost.

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