Refuse to Believe the Lies

Refuse to Believe the Lies

Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10 (New American Standard Bible, NASB)

The false prophets of the news networks are spinning a new tale of contagious sickness and trying to bring fear to us. When people are afraid, they can be controlled more easily. As Christians, it is our job to refuse to believe the lies of the devil and to stand against anyone who would seek to control and manipulate us. We will only stay free by making a firm decision not to bow to those who seek to limit our freedom, steal our wealth, and shorten our lives. We do not have to go home and cower in our closets until the “danger” has passed. Consider this: if we choose to go home this time to hunker down and isolate, we will likely never regain our freedom again. We will not fear and we will not bow!

God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment. II Timothy 1:7 (Names Of God Bible, NOG) emphasis mine

When people allow a spirit of fear to come on them, they become powerless, they stop walking in love and their judgment becomes flawed. Consider Nazi Germany. The people of the nation feared the government. As a result, they allowed the government to take their weapons, and they became powerless. They stopped loving one another and turned on each other, turning in neighbors, friends, and even family members for perceived disloyalty to the government. And their judgment became so messed up that they believed that certain people groups were inferior to other ones and not worthy to live, turning a blind eye to the murder of millions. How quickly a society can dissolve into depravity once it gives in to fear and control. We cannot allow this to happen to us. We have to resist the enemy with firm resolve, and we have to do it now.

When you see a newscaster telling of new cases of some “dreaded” disease or hear a report that the world is on the brink of World War III or hear tales that food is running out, do not fear. Stand firm and speak the Word that says that no weapon formed against us will prosper. By fighting back with the Word of God spoken out of our mouths and refusing to bow to directives that are based on fear, we can and will overcome the wicked agenda that is built on lies. We have the authority and power to stand with God to retake the world for Jesus Christ- and we will. To God be all the glory for the coming liberation and revival! Do not fear. Resist and refuse to believe the lies, and we will very shortly see the victory that God has promised!

Look to God

Look to God

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