No Distinctions

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 (KJV)

This verse says that no matter who you are, in Christ we are all the same. We are all equal to one another. No one is better and no one is worse. Regardless of our religious background, our ethnic group, our financial status, our age, our race, or our gender, we are equal in the sight of God as long as we are born again. And these things shouldn’t matter to the Christian either. God made us all to be one in Christ.

There should be no more division, no more separation, no more classification, no more devaluing, no more belittling, and no more fighting for position. There should be an end to strife and fighting for equality . Walls should come down. Hate, envy, and jealousy must be gone. The things that separate us must be removed.

We are all one in Christ. Yes, we are different and unique as individuals, with our own giftings, callings, abilities, and desires. This should serve to enhance our oneness, not create division.

Let’s not fight against each other, but work together for the common good. Let’s love and not hate; unite and not divide; reach out and not resist. Be who God called you to be. Do what God called you to do. We can do it together, building and advancing God’s kingdom. By lifting each other up, we glorify the exalted Christ.

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