You Don't Have to Take It

You Don't Have to Take It

Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Ephesians 6:12 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

Today, Jim and I evicted a territorial and wicked spirit that had previously had been given access to a place through a dedication ceremony officiated by a “secret” society. I am not going to give you the specific location or details, but I believe there are many places just like it that are occupied by the enemy. When the building was erected, it was “consecrated” during a special ceremony, but, unknown to many participating, they had dedicated it to a false god, which is just another way to say it was dedicated to a demon spirit. As a result, the demonic activity was evident in that place. For more than 50 years, it remained that way- until the Lord showed us how the dark kingdom had gained access and directed us to cast it out and dedicate the place to the Lord.

Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority. Luke 10:19 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

What a powerful verse! As born-again children of God, we don’t have to take the devil’s abuse. We have the authority given to us by Jesus Christ. We can close any door that has been opened to the demonic- by the name of Jesus Christ and by His shed blood. The devil has no authority or access to the earth unless people give it to him. He does not have a physical body and therefore does not have the authority in this realm that we do. However, when people do or say certain things, they can open a door and invite him right in. For example, certain music can give him access if it glorifies death, wickedness and perversion. Certain symbols are tied to demonic activity and satan worship, such as the 5-pointed upside-down star called a pentagram. And certain organizations or false religions, that at the core are dedicated to the kingdom of darkness, can invite wicked spirits to rule over a place, such as the example I just mentioned. But we don’t have to take it. We can bind up the enemy, destroy his stronghold, and kick him out! As an example, here’s what Jim and I did earlier today.

We went to the place so that our physical presence was there. We took communion to, first of all, rededicate ourselves to God and renew the covenant we have with Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we took some of the communion elements with us and we sprinkled some of the bread and the grape juice on the grounds to cleanse it and consecrate to the Lord. Then we spoke out against the demon, casting him out in the name of Jesus and telling him that the blood of Jesus was gainst him. We loosed the angelic host (the armies of God) in the name of Jesus to tear down and destroy any stronghold or spiritual platform erected by the enemy over that place. And we proclaimed that the curse was broken. Then, we released the blessing of God to the place and we dedicated it to the use of the Lord. We poured anointing oil on the building as an act of consecrating it to God and releasing the Holy Spirit to take over. We sensed a release in that place, like the lifting of something heavy and oppressive. And we left that place knowing we were successful- not because of how we felt- but by faith in the Word that tells us that the devil has to flee from us.

So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will flee in agony. James 4:7 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

Before you decide to use your authority against the enemy, it is important to make sure you are surrendered to God. If someone who does not have a true relationship with the Lord tries to do something like this, it may not end well. Consider the seven sons of Sceva mentioned in Acts 19. I’m not telling you to be afraid that the devil will whip you. I’m just saying to make sure your heart is right before God first, then you can proceed with confidence.

Jesus gave His church the victory, but it is up to us to enforce it. We don’t have to take what the enemy tries to dish out. We can unseat him and cast him out in Jesus’ mighty name.

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