What's It All About?

What's It All About?

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 (KJV) emphasis mine

Man’s questions have always been:

  • Who am I?

  • Where did I come from?

  • Who made me?

  • Is there a God? If so, Who is God?

  • What’s my purpose?

  • How do I fulfill my purpose or destiny?

  • When I die, then what?

Mankind seeks the answers to these questions. If we don’t get the answers, we won’t understand ourselves or life or the universe. And whether we admit it or not, nothing can satisfy us but God.

We must be born-again. This is the starting point. By coming to Jesus, He reveals God to us. We came from God, but we have to believe that God is and that He made us on purpose for a purpose. As we know God through His written Word, we gain the answers to life’s important questions. We became God’s children when we were born-again, thus we are His family. This alone gives us a starting point; a beginning and a belonging.

As we learn who God is, He reveals His purpose to us. He shows His purposes for the world and His purposes for us individually.We gain more and more understanding through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, our purpose is to know God and fellowship and worship Him. we were created by God for God.

There is only one true God, Who made all things, even humankind. We came from Him, we live unto Him, and then we go back to Him (those who are born-again). Those who reject Jesus will be separated from God forever after death. This does not have to happen- every person has the choice to follow God or not.

All things were created by God and for His pleasure. As we live by God and for God, loving and worshiping Him, we bring Him pleasure, glory, honor, and power. In doing this, we fulfill the purpose we were created for. That’s how to live in total fulfillment and have the answers to all of life’s questions. Only God can answer these questions. And only God can fulfill the cry of our hearts. When we live by and for the Lord, life flows in peace and harmony. We are at peace with ourselves because we are at peace with God. As we fulfill God’s pleasure, He fulfills ours as well. What a life we lead when our life is filled with God!

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