Sitting in The Lap of God

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. Psalm 145:18 (NKJV)

Have you ever had a totally horrible day? Have you gone through a time when the troubles seemed to just pile up on you? Have you ever been discouraged, disheartened and down? I know your answer is yes, because we’ve all experienced this. We’ve all been hurt, wounded, and rejected. We’ve had days where we were worn out and exhausted from fighting the good fight. At times like those, we need to draw near to our heavenly Father for comfort and encouragement.

Jim and I are not in full-time ministry and so I have to work at what you would call a “regular,” non-ministry job. Like all of you, I deal with my fair share of stress and unjust treatment. Like other people, I have days where I come home and just want to crawl in a hole and hide. Life can seem harsh and the world can be cruel. But there is one thing that helps; the presence of my Daddy God.

I can worship God and draw near to Him. Yes, at first I am doing it by faith and don’t feel close to Him. However, as the minutes go by and I continue to tell Him I love Him and trust Him, I can sense His nearness. I can close my eyes and imagine that I am crawling up in His lap like a little girl and letting Him hold me and rock me. I listen to the words of love and encouragement He whispers in my ear. And after spending some time allowing Him to minister to me, I am refreshed and strengthened.

Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 (NKJV)

We need intimate times with the Lord. Without them we lose strength and the will to go on. We cannot operate in our own strength; we need to tap into the grace of God and draw on His strength and endurance. If you’re weary and dejected today, come to Him. Crawl up in His lap and let your Daddy God hold you and kiss all the cares away.

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