Don't Fear the Shaking

Don't Fear the Shaking

There is a lot of unrest and uncertainty in the world today. And many prophets have been saying that a great shaking is coming. However, their prophecies have also said that it is a shaking that will make things right. Therefore, do not fear the shaking. In the same way that the children of Israel did not experience the plagues that came upon Egypt, the children of God will be protected from harm during this time of upheaval. As things shake out, a great justice will come upon the earth. And from that justice will spring forth great joy.

As I have been keeping these things in mind, Psalm 98 has been speaking to me, especially in The Passion Translation.

Go ahead—sing your brand-new song to the Lord! He is famous for his miracles and marvels, for he is victorious through his mighty power and holy strength. Everyone knows how God has saved us, for he has displayed his justice throughout history. He never forgets to show us his love and faithfulness. How kind he has been to Israel! All the nations know how he stands behind his people and how he saves his own. So go ahead, everyone, and shout out your praises with joy! Break out of the box and let loose with the most joyous sound of praise! Sing your melody of praise to the Lord and make music like never before! Blow those trumpets and shofars! Shout with joyous triumph before King Yahweh! Let the ocean’s waves join in the chorus with their roaring praise until everyone everywhere shouts out in unison, “Glory to the Lord!” Let the rivers and streams clap with applause as the mountains rise in a standing ovation to join the mighty choir of exaltation. Look! Here he comes! The Lord and judge of all the earth! He’s coming to make things right and to do it fair and square. And everyone will see that he does all things well! Psalm 98:1-9 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

Don’t you just love that? He’s coming to make things right and to do it fair and square. The whole earth needs that right now, and God is about to do it. Don’t forget that the shaking that is coming will be good, even though it may appear frightening at first. Praise Him for His justice. Don’t fear the shaking- amazing days are just ahead, not just for our nation but for all the nations of the world!

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