Live Life Unto God

Live Life Unto God

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 (KJV)

This verse says we are to live for God. Our lives are to be God-centered, not living for ourselves or to please ourselves. We do this by God’s mercies, not in our own strength. Let’s break this down to better understand this.

We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. Present means to offer or surrender. All we are and do should be offered up to God, completely surrendered to Him.

Our sacrifice is to be holy. Holy means separated from sin and set apart for God’s use. As we live holy. copnsecrated lives, it makes it more doable for us to give our total being to God for His service.

Reasonable speaks of rational, logical reasoning. For true believers, it is logical for us to give ourselves to God’s use. We should be actively thinking of ways to please God with how we live. It is not an unreasonable thing for God to want every part of us: spirit, soul, and body.

Service refers to worship. Our bodies and lives are to be offered up as a service, an act of worship to God. The idea is that all we do should bring Him glory. Let all you do be an act of worship to the Lord, a pleasing sacrifice to Him.

True worship is the offering of our bodies, and all that we do in our bodies, everyday to God. Everything is to be worship. Going to the grocery is worship. Doing your job is worship. Brushing your teeth is worship. Every single act is to be done in an attitude that it is done for God and His glory. As we allow Jesus Christ to live through us by His Holy Spirit, we can offer all of ourselves- spirit, soul, and body- to worship Him. As we do, God can use us to live a life pleasing to Him.

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