God Wants To Heal You

God Wants To Heal You

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. Acts 10:38 (New International Version, NIV) emphasis mine

Jesus is the Healer. As the Healer, it is His will to heal you. He does not want you to experience sickness as a way to teach you something or to punish you in some way. As a matter of fact, He heals not because we are good, but because He loves us. There is no performance expectation on our part- it is His nature to be good and therefore it is His nature to heal. Healing flows out of him to us.

We don’t have to have some amazing amount of faith or do some great feat to be healed. Look at our verse again. It said that Jesus went about healing ALL. He didn’t just cherry-pick those with exceptional faith or those who had lived a perfect life. He healed all of them. He is still healing all who will receive it from Him. We don’t have to be faith giants; we just have to take what He is giving us.

I have been in many meetings and healing crusades where people who did not know God at all were miraculously healed. Because of His great love for humanity, He reaches out to those who aren’t even believers to make them well. It is an expression of His love and compassion.

Our God is a compassionate God. He is a healing God. If you are sick in your body, just reach out to Him today and take what He is offering you. Tell Him that you receive His healing in your body. And then allow His healing to come to you. He loves you, and He is extending His hand of healing today.

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