Two Are Better Than One

Two Are Better Than One

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. Ecclesiastes 4:9 (KJV)

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (KJV)

Have you ever interviewed someone for a job? Usually, the practice is to have more than one person on the interview team. One of you might miss something the candidate says or does, but the other may notice it. This is a good example of two (or more) being better than one.

Don’t go it alone. It’s better to work with others that God places with you. More can be accomplished, and it can be done quicker, when you work as a team rather than individually. Some things cannot be done alone.

For example, when you study with another person, one of you can help the other understand certain concepts and ideas. You both bring something unique and needed to the table. Another example is in church- God may lay a certain ministry activity on your heart, but you need help to get it done. Or a worship team needs the various members in order for the sound to be full and complete. Each instrument and voice comes together in harmony and in one accord to lift up one sound to glorify God.

As we worship, one can put one thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand to flight. Adding one person to the equation just made you 10 times more effective against the enemy. And when we form a three fold cord, like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our worship becomes a weapon of warfare to chase the enemy out of our lives. Two are better than one, but when a three-fold cord, the Trinity, gets involved it cannot be broken. Breakthroughs happen in our relationships, churches, schools, jobs, communities, nation and the world.

We will receive a sure reward when we hook up and work together for a godly cause. There is a good reward for our labor as we bring glory to God as a unit.

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Made to Move

Prophetic Healing

Prophetic Healing