A Deeper Word

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Mending Broken Vessels

I am the Lord, the one who heals you. Exodus 15:26 (Good News Translation, GNT)

I’ve been through some really bad things, one in particular, that caused such brokenness in my spirit and soul that it impacted every area of my life. I would seek God for answers, and my pastor would preach on the very thing I was asking God about. God was clearly speaking, but I still did not get what God was trying to tell me. I was just so hurt and numb- a real broken vessel. God would pour the living water of His Word in me, and it just leaked out because of my broken state.

I began to seek God hard in prayer, in the Word, and in worship. I was like David, just pouring out my heart before the Lord. And God kept pouring His Word in me. Little by little, I began to heal. It was a three year process for me to begin to reach wholeness. I began to smile, laugh, and live again. My heart, soul, and emotions were mended and repaired. I began to be healed of the brokenness and I could once again hear God and get clear direction.

My point is, some people are so broken that they can’t hear what we are saying to help them. It’s not that they don’t hear the words, but they cannot receive and retain what we’re telling them. What they take in just leaks right out. We have to be patient and compassionate. We have to pray and love them back to wholeness. We must help them walk through the healing process. Without people there to love me through the toughest times of my life, I wouldn’t have made it. As we support the hurting, we’ll begin to see them mend little by little until one day they can do the same for others. It’s the least we can do for them since it’s exactly what God does for us.