Communication- God's Way

Communication- God's Way

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. James 1:19 (KJV)

In order to successfully interact with others, we must learn how to communicate and relate to them effectively.

First of all, we need to love people, seeing them as individuals with worth and value. As a result, we will honor them in how we listen to, talk to, and treat them.

In order to have good communication, good listening skills are crucial. We need to listen intently to hear what they actually say, not what we think they are saying. This will prevent a lot of misunderstandings and confusion, which usually lead to anger, aggravation, and aguments.

Hear people out and let them share what they have to say. When we give people freedom to talk, this gives them liberty to be themselves. And we need to really focus on what they say instead of thinking ahead to formulate what we are going to say in response. Our time to speak will come. As we allow them to speak, we hear their heart and this is how we get to know one another.

We are to talk to each other, not down to someone. We should reject attitudes that would lead us to judge, criticize, make fun of, or put someone down. There is nothing that causes communication to shut down and people to close up more than ridicule or disrespect. Instead, speak words that demonstrate love and affirmation. Even if you don’t agree with what they are saying, you can at least affirm them by complimenting how they said it. People cannot read our minds, so our words, tone, and actions must communicate love, and not frustration.

As we listen well and share our hearts with respect for one another, we will experience open channels of communication with others. We will avoid wrath and anger, and we will create relationships birthed out of love and kindness. That is how God’s children are to communicate and relate with people.

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