Believe It

Two times God has prompted us to pick up and move hundreds of miles away. And two times, He provided and made a way when we did. Now, while I don’t promote moving at the drop of a hat, it is important that we listen to the Holy Spirit and believe the unbelievable when God speaks to us. We believed we could be like Abraham and Sarah, acting in obedience to go to a place that God showed us and trusting that He would make a way for us. And He did.

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said. Luke 1:45 (New Living Translation, NLT)

Elizabeth spoke this to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary chose to believe the message brought to her by an angel telling her that she was going to be the mother of the Son of God. This was something that had never happened before in all of human history. Yet, Mary chose to believe it- even though it seemed pretty unbelievable. And because she did, she was blessed.

God has done some pretty unusual things through the years- things that defy logic. Unbelievable things. He sent a flood, even though there had never been rain before. He parted the waters of the Red Sea and the Jordan River. He caused ravens to feed the Prophet Elijah. He caused the walls of Jericho to fall flat at the sound of a shout. He guided a stone from the sling of a shepherd boy straight to the head of a giant Philistine. He rained manna, fed more than five thousand with a two-piece fish dinner, and healed multitudes. He walked on water and calmed the stormy seas. And He even raised some dead folk. But the most unusual, unbelievable thing He has ever done is to sacrifice His Son and raise Him from the dead three days later.

That’s one of the wonderful things about the Lord- He is the God of the unbelievable, of the impossible, of the incredible and unimaginable. He can do what no one else can- He’s God.

Are there some pretty unbelievable things that the Lord has told you He would do for you? Has He promised to increase your finances, improve your health, mend your relationships, expand your influence? Is He giving you a vision for a business or a ministry? Has He placed a big dream in your heart- one that’s too big for you to do yourself? If so, that’s evidence that it’s from God. If we could do it by ourselves, we wouldn’t need Him. When Jim and I picked up and moved, both times it was a wild ride, but God was with us.

I strongly encourage you to take God at His Word. Believe the unbelievable. He is not a man that He should lie. If He said it, He is ready, willing, and able to bring it to pass. He just needs your partnership to make it happen. And if you mess up and take a wrong turn along the way, He can fix it. Tell Him you believe what He has promised. Take some steps of faith- even if it is only to do some research about the business, ministry, idea, etc. that He has given you. When you believe Him, you will be blessed, and what you put your hand to will definitely prosper.

Prayer Is Serious Business- Part 1

Prayer Is Serious Business- Part 1

He's Everywhere!

He's Everywhere!