Say Yes to the Supernatural of God

Say Yes to the Supernatural of God

A quick look at the line-up of evening televisions shows and movies at your local cinema will show that there is a huge interest in the supernatural. Unfortunately, with the entertainment world having been run predominantly by unsaved people, what we see produced is mostly demonically-inspired. Why does mankind have such a curiosity and hunger for the supernatural? The reason is that our Creator is the supernatural God.

God Himself is the original Source of supernatural power. The devil has tried to copy and pervert the supernatural aspects of God, while working to convince people that God is not into supernatural manifestations. That is why there has been widespread resistance to the gifts of healing, working of miracles, and prophecy. And the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues has been ridiculed and marginalized. The devil does not want anyone to understand that the real power comes from God.

If you are born-again, you have already experienced the miracle of the new birth salvation experience. The Spirit of God has come to reside in you and you are a new creature. But, there is more to it than that. Supernatural power is available to every believer through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is something separate from salvation that born-again believers can tap into simply by asking in faith for it. And it brings power to be witnesses for Jesus.

The supernatural of God includes amazing manifestations that go beyond natural law. God has set certain natural laws in place, such as the law of gravity for example. Supernatural power has the ability to override natural laws and bring miraculous results into our lives.

“These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Mark 16:17-18 (New Living Translation, NLT)

Notice that this does not say that a person has to have a bunch of training or a big ministry to operate in the supernatural manifestations of God. It simply says that these signs will accompany those who believe. Believe what? Believe in Jesus and believe that He wants to do miraculous things through them. It’s not complicated. We simply partner with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus said that we would do the works that He did and even greater works.

“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” John 14:12 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

We just ask the Holy Spirit to work with us and through us and then we must be obedient to do what He tells us. For example, if we get an urging in our hearts to go and pray for someone in the supermarket, then we must be obedient to do it. It’s not difficult, it just requires us to be bold and obedient.

Don’t allow traditional opinions of some people to turn you away from the simple truth of God’s supernatural power. The entire New Testament is filled with the supernatural. It is for the New Testament believer today just as it was for the early church. I am going to bluntly say that if you attend a church that preaches that supernatural manifestations of God are no longer in operation, you need to get out of there as fast you can. Churches like that are standing in direct opposition to the Words of Jesus Himself.

If you want to gain more understanding of the supernatural power of God, I recommend that you read the book of Acts, as well as the rest of the New Testament and highlight the supernatural and miraculous feats that believers were involved in. And if you do not speak in tongues, I highly recommend that you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit by asking God to baptize you in His Spirit. The book of Acts gives several examples of believers receiving the Holy Spirit baptism. Then, use your new supernatural language to pray and strengthen your inner man. And then be courageous and go out and do what you read people did in the book of Acts. The power of God is meant to be used in the world- out in the marketplaces, the schools, etc. It is not to be restricted to the church sanctuary. If you step out to do your part, God will do His part.

Don’t hesitate, say yes to the supernatural of God today. And go out and use that power to bring healing to the sick, deliverance to those who are bound, prosperity to the poor, and signs and wonders to a world that needs to see God moving in their midst. Our Lord is the true Source of the supernatural and we need to show others what He can and will do.

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