It All Flows From Christ

It All Flows From Christ

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. I Corinthians 1:30 (KJV)

All we need flows from Christ: wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

  • Wisdom: the ability to use what you know and have been given.

  • Righteousness: right standing with God.

  • Sanctification: set apart- set apart from sin and set apart for God.

  • Redemption: bought back, purchased


As we abide (remain, live and dwell) in Christ, we will find He is our wisdom. When we don;t know what to do in the natural, He will let us know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Christ means the Anointed One and His anointing, and the Anointed One is in us to let us know things supernaturally.


Christ is our righteousness. In the midst of sin and all that’s wrong in the world, we can stand for Christ and what is right. Righteousness gives us strength and power to resist sin. Because we have been made right by the blood of Jesus, we can now live right. And because we are righteous in Christ, when things go wrong, God will make them right.


Sanctified means that we have been set apart and made separate unto God to be pure, holy, and unlike the world. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are to influence others for Christ but be set apart for God so the world does not influence us. Jesus Christ has made us sanctified; a peculiar people.


We have been redeemed. Christ purchased us with His very own body and blood. We are no longer slaves to satan, sin, sickness, poverty or any other misery that the curse brings. We were bought and paid for, and now we have been made free in Christ. we belong to God, but there is no bondage in it, only freedom. We now have a future and a hope- now and forever. We are not strangers to the covenant and promises of God. Now we have a blood-bought right to claim God’s promises and to live the life Jesus died to give us.

As we remain in Christ, all we need is found in Him and flows from Him as we remain in Him. We will bear fruit and bring glory to God. Because of Christ, every need is met. In Him we receive all Christ is and all He provided, living a life full of provision and blessing.

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