Keep Singing!

The other day I was sharing with someone about Colossians 3:16, which says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” I then went on to read about songs of prophecy in a book I had been studying, talking about songs given by God to reveal His will. Since God seems to be lining things up regarding songs, hymns and spiritual songs, let’s talk about that in today’s post.

Let’s begin with basic definitions for psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

  • A psalm is scripture set to music. The Greek word for psalm means a striking with the fingers.

  • A hymn is an anthem of the church. According to the original Greek, it is a song of praise to God.

  • A spiritual song is a song that is received, sung and quickened by the Holy Spirit. The Greek indicates it is a song in or of the Spirit.

Based on these definitions and our Scripture in Colossians, we see that a good way to learn the Word of God is to sing it, or sing songs based on it (singing psalms). I have been doing this for decades, and it has always helped me in remembering the Word. It also helps me get through the day and enhances my daily walk with the Lord.

Singing hymns, whether old or new, is a good way to praise the Lord. I enjoy a good hymn.

I love singing spiritual songs. I may start off with a song I know, such as a hymn or psalm. Then, as I continue to enter God’s presence with my worship, God births a spontaneous song. I might sing to God and then God may sing back to me through my song. When God sings over us this way, it is what some call the song of the Lord; the Bridegroom singing to His bride. A spiritual song can be a song we sing in tongues to God. We may even receive an interpretation of what is being sung. The song of the Lord may even be a prophetic song from God that shows you things to come or what God has for you. The song of the Lord sung over us always builds us up, edifies, and encourages.

God is diverse and enjoys interacting with us in various ways through various types of songs. Whether it is a psalm, hymn or spiritual song, God loves our praise and seeks our spontaneous sincere worship, so be sure to keep singing!

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