Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

Pay what you owe to all of them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, and honor to whom honor is owed. Romans 13:7 (Evangelical Heritage Version, EHV) emphasis mine

The Word says we are to give honor to whom honor is due. I would venture to say that there are few people who deserve honor and respect and thanks more than those who put their lives on the line to protect their fellow citizens.

For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends. John 15:13 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

To be honest, we owe such a debt of gratitude to the men and women who sacrifice their lives to keep us safe that posting a blog everyday of the year to thank them would not be nearly enough. We need to honor our servicemen and women anytime we see them. A heartfelt thank you and a handshake lets them know we appreciate them. We should be buying their meals when we see them in restaurants and we should be making sure their families have everything they need to thrive. We should have their backs. And when they come home, we should never forget them, doing everything we can to help them transition into life as a civilian.

The most important thing we can do to honor them is to pray for them. Pray for their protection and preservation. Pray for peace for their family members. Pray for emotional and physical healing once they are discharged. Pray, pray, pray. They are our first line of defense physically, and we should be their first line of defense spiritually.

If you are a veteran or if you know a veteran, we honor your sacrifice and your service. We are grateful to you and your family, and we are praying for you. Just as Jesus gave His life for us, we appreciate your willingness to give your life to protect us. Thank you, and may God bless you abundantly.

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