Honoring The Faithful

Honoring The Faithful

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have defended our nation and protected our freedoms. Many will visit cemeteries on this day and place flowers on the graves of those who died in action. Other will spend time remembering those who have given their lives for worthwhile causes, such as law enforcement officials who died in the line of duty, firefighters who gave their lives to rescue others, protesters who died while standing for what they believed in. There are many who have given everything and should be honored.

While we are honoring such people, let us not forget those who have died for religious freedom and those who continue to suffer persecution, even to the point of death. While many of us today will grill our hotdogs and hamburgers at picnics and cookouts, untold thousands are being tortured and many will die simply for their belief in Jesus Christ. Today, let’s spend some time in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are standing for Jesus in the face of harm to themselves and their families, and even in the face of certain painful torture and death. Pray for freedom to come to their lands, for their release from oppression and for them to be strong no matter what they may have to endure. They need our prayers and they deserve our honor for their faithfulness to Christ.

And while we are praying, let us thank God for our own freedom and the people who died to make it possible. And ask God for His continued blessing on our country and that His will would be done in our nation’s leadership and in the laws that are passed. The future of this nation , and the future of the world, depends on our prayers.

Today, and everyday, let us honor the faithful. May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America!

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