A Deeper Word

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Ten Steps to a Better Marriage

Marriage is the institution created by God to serve as the cornerstone of civilization.  It is critically important that as Christians we make every effort to maintain successful marriages.  Here are ten steps for rock solid marriages.

1.     Give up forever the adolescent dream of a perfect marriage.  Accept each other; don’t try to change each other.

2.     Realize that true love also includes your will.  It’s a two-way street of give and take.

3.     Discover the unique needs of your mate and try to meet those needs.  Try to out-do each other’s attempts at meetings each other’s needs and, as a result, your own needs will be met.

4.     Go the extra mile and return evil with good.  (Matthew 5:41-46).  This is a good marriage principle.  If you do this, you won’t give up on your mate.

5.     Give more affection and praise than you do complaints.  Make it your goal to give ten compliments to every one complaint.

6.     Abandon all hope of changing your marriage partner through criticism.  You cannot try to force change and still enjoy living.  (James 1:2-3).  Trials in your marriage will help you and your marriage grow IF you help and encourage each other.

7.     Commit your home and marriage problems to Jesus Christ in prayer together.  Don’t nag at each other- pray with each other and for each other.  When tension builds between a husband and wife, they often tend to turn on each other.  However, if both will turn to Jesus in prayer, Jesus will melt tension.

8.     When love seems to fade, remember that feelings follow action.  Many times people have problems simply because they talk about having problems.  As you begin to speak in love, you will act in love.  Your words empower you to act what you say. 

9.     Honesty is the best policy in marriage.  Be truthful with each other; don’t hide your problems or feelings, but speak the truth IN LOVE.

10. A higher law than honesty is love.  There are times to keep your mouth closed even if what you want to say is true.  Marriage is meaningful, and it can get better and better as we develop more sensitivity toward our spouse.  Love is what makes it work.  Love is what makes it worthwhile.  (I Corinthians 13:4-7).

Of course, this is not an all-inclusive list.  We would be interested in hearing from our readers what you have found to be important tips for a strong marriage.  Use the comment feature below to share, and thanks for your input!