God's Part and Your Part

God's Part and Your Part

God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase….  For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. I Corinthians 3:6-7, 9 (KJV)

God has a part and we have a part to see a miracle. On our own, we can’t make a miracle happen. We need God and His involvement. On our own, we can’t make walls come down with a shout. However, when we shout based on God’s instructions, God will cause those walls to fall down.

In the natural, we can’t make prison doors just open on their own. Yet, when we sing and praise, bringing God on the scene, God gets involved and prison doors fly open. Our part was to sign and praise Him, and God’s part is to do what we can’t do. When we do what we can do in the natural, God will do supernaturally what we cannot.

When we give, God blesses and prospers the work of our hands. When we pray, God answers. When we’re faithful, God promotes us. When we pass tests in life, God moves us on. We are coworkers with God.

Do your part and let God do His part. When you do, things work out the way God planned them to. We work with God, and God works with us. By this, we’ll do works and even greater works. When we step out on God’s direction, we’ll see God step in and help us. When we work together with God, He makes things work.

Don't Let Anything Stop, Steal, or Silence Your Praise

Don't Let Anything Stop, Steal, or Silence Your Praise

Under the Care of the Good Shepherd

Under the Care of the Good Shepherd