Rejoice With Joy Unspeakable

Rejoice With Joy Unspeakable

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: I Peter 1:8 (KJV)

Joy unspeakable is joy that you just cannot express with words. You can’t tell about it or describe it verbally. It’s similar to the peace that passes understanding- it is beyond comprehension. This joy and peace come from the Holy Spirit working in our spirits- it’s beyond our minds. This joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit produced in our spirits (Galatians 5:22).

Because it is fruit, it can grow and mature. One way is to count it all joy when you go through difficulties. The more time we spend with the Lord- in His Word, in His presence, and receiving fresh fillings of His Spirit- the more our joy increases, grows, and is manifested in our lives.

For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV)

The Lord’s joy becomes our strength. It is our defense against sadness, sorrow, depression, despair, or whatever may come against us. With God’s joy, we can laugh at the devil, problems, sickness, lack, or any other problem, knowing God is greater. Joy is based on who you know: Jesus.

Joy comes when keep our priorities where they need to be. As we do, we’ll walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

  • J= Jesus First

  • O= Others Second

  • Y= Yourself Third

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11 (KJV)

Never forget that in the presence of God we find fullness of joy. That joy will bring happiness and help us keep a right attitude. We’ll have a song in our hearts and a praise in our mouths. Joy is our reward for seeking and finding God, loving and following Jesus, and knowing and finishing what Holy Spirit leads and enables us to do.

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 (KJV)

Joy is our defense. You can’t defeat a joyful person because he is always strong; even in the midst of battle. We rejoice in the Lord always, thus we keep re-joying our joy. We keep doing it again and again. The joy is endless and inexhaustible. We can leap and dance for joy. The more we sing, dance, and praise God, the more we experience Him. As we do, we experience more fullness of joy in His presence, and the cycle of joy and rejoicing begins again. Praising people are joyful people, and joyful people are praising people. God inhabits the praises of His people and thus the joy of the Lord abounds.

Refuse To Fear

Refuse To Fear

Fruit, More Fruit, Much Fruit

Fruit, More Fruit, Much Fruit