A Deeper Word

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A Prophetic Word: Listen and Live

Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Jeremiah 1:4 (KJV)

“My people, listen to Me and it would go well with you. Your destiny is not in the wilderness, but the Promised Land. Disobey and you’ll stay in the desert: a wasteland, a land of death. Obey and stand so I can take you into the Promised Land. I have so much more for all of you. As you spend time with Me, in my Word, before My face, you will see the place where I want you to be. Not defeat, but victory. Not death, but life. Not lack, but abundance.

I am the God of the supernatural, a miracle-working God. I can make you who I called you to be. I can, through you, do what we’re supposed to do. Seek Me. Spend time with Me. Get to know Me. I am the greatest treasure you will find, and only I can satisfy you. The more you seek Me, the more you’ll find Me. The more you love Me, the more you’ll fall in love with Me.

Come to Me. Let Me love you, heal you, fill you, and give you all you need. You will see I am what you need.”

Says the Lord