A Deeper Word

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Near The Cross Of Jesus

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. John 19:25 (New International Version, NIV)

When Jesus died, near the cross stood his mother, her sister, and Mary Magdalene. It is interesting that three Marys were there, but that’s another post for another day. Also standing there was John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. Jesus entrusted his mother to John’s care because Jesus knew his heart, and he was the disciple who stayed with Jesus at the cross and showed himself trustworthy. He was the only disciple who witnessed firsthand the sacrifice Jesus made.

We, too, are to be near the cross of Jesus. He’s our Savior and Redeemer, and we need to cling to Him, His sacrifice, and His blood. Never forget the price He paid. Jesus cried, “It is finished,” which means “paid in full” in the original language. We need to rest and live in the finished works of Christ and receive all He died to give us. As we live near the cross, we find everything we need to live victoriously in this life and to make it to heaven. Our salvation, peace, protection, covenant rights, inheritance, provision, and God’s presence were purchased at the cross. By staying near the cross of Christ, we won’t stray from Jesus. Instead, we will keep in mind the sacrifice He made in laying His life down to give us life.

Of course Jesus rose from the dead, and we’re to live the resurrected life; the overcoming life. In looking to the cross, we see both the crucified Christ and the resurrected Savior. We see the One who is the Resurrection and the Life. We, then, die to live in Him because He died to live in us. Near the cross of Jesus- let’s sing songs about this, read Scriptures about this, preach messages about this. Doing so will help us remember all that the cross of Christ represents. It will help us keep our eyes on Jesus and lift Him up, thus drawing all men to Him.

The nearer we stay to Jesus and His cross, the more He will reveal new things to us. He will show us things He has for us and things He wants us to do. Jesus will entrust others to our care as we remain faithful to Him no matter the cost. In staying near Him and His cross, we will be found in Him and we will find Jesus over and over again. Our love for Him will grow because we see how much He loves us. Staying near the cross of Christ reminds us continually of His selfless, eternal love, which will draw us even closer to Him and the cross.