The Word Is A Letter

All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right. II Timothy 3:16 (The Voice, VOICE)

Many people say they find the Bible to be intimidating, but it is actually a very personal book. Written by God Himself to reveal Himself to us, it is a letter we can read and take to heart. The Bible is more than a list of do’s and don’ts; it is a living message, full of love and supernatural wisdom.

The Bible is a mysterious book, full of hidden messages and layers of meaning. Part of the joy of reading it is to discover new things we previously did not see in it. We can ask the Holy Spirit to show us new things in the Word every time we read it. It is an unending well of revelation that never runs dry. No matter how long we’ve been studying it, the Bible has something new for us to discover. Understanding this will make Bible study an adventure and not a chore.

The Word is a most miraculous book. It is the only literary work that has the power to transform us from the inside out. Like other books, it can affect how we think and view ourselves, the world, and God, but it also has the ability to change us in the innermost part of our being. It is the only written work that can change who and what we are.

To get the most out of the Word, we need to view it as being written to us personally; a letter directly from God. See it as a message in which He uses historical events, wise sayings, parables, and other means to show you who He is and how to live in union with Him. His letter is not meant to push you away but to draw you near. His Word has been called a love letter, and that is exactly what it is. He shares His heart with us in the pages of the Bible.

If you haven’t spent much time in the Word, today is the best time to change that. Approach it with enthusiasm. Get Holy Spirit involved to teach you and show you hidden treasures from the Bible. And set time aside each day to spend time reading God’s letter to you. Then, take what He tells you and put it into practice in your life.

The more time you spend in the Word, the more desire you will have to read it. That’s another supernatural trait of this most amazing book. Don’t be intimidated by the Bible, but rather embrace it as the personal message to you that God intends it to be.

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