Faults, Failures, and Flaws- They're All Covered

Faults, Failures, and Flaws- They're All Covered

Love covereth all sins. Proverbs 10:12 (KJV)

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. I Peter 4:8 (New International Version, NIV)

Whoever would foster love covers over an offense. Proverbs 17:9 (New International Version, NIV)

From these verse, we see that love covers. God is love (I John 4:8) and God covers us with His love. He doesn’t see His children by our faults, failures, and flaws. Because His loves covers, shields, and protects, God sees us with a heart and eyes of love.

His love covers us. We’re under His wings, protected covered and shielded. God’s love covers us in all things, so He believes the best for us. His hope for us is enduring. He will bring to pass what He has planned for us.We’re to receive God’s love for us, then love others the same way. We are to cover one another and cover each other’s faults with love. This does not mean that faults are to be hidden, but instead we are to confess them one to another that we might be healed. We see beyond the fault and forgive any offense and let love heal everything.

Love is a safe ground to deal with our faults, failures, and flaws. The more we know and believe God’s love for us, the failures will become fewer and fewer. This happens as God matures us to be more and more like Christ, enabling us to walk as Jesus walked. We can cover each other with love in prayer, speaking the Word over each other, and speaking good to others.

Every person has fault, flaws, and failures, but as we love one another instead of exposing one another, we will be able to love and unite instead of hate and divide. God’s got us covered by the blood of Jesus. So, let us not trample on the blood of Jesus by exposing one another’s faults, failures, and flaws when a person is doing their best to follow God. Rather, remember Jesus’ love for us and follow His example and cover one another with love.

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