A Deeper Word

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Turning & Transitioning

We are in a turning point from one spiritual season to another- a transition. I really believe that right now is the time where things are changing and transitioning. I am not speaking of the weather, although what is happening in the spirit often parallels the changes in the weather. Many of us in the Body of Christ have been in a season of barely getting by- with little seemingly going on. It seems as if the current season and state of affairs will go on forever and the things we are believing for have been prevented from manifesting. But, right now, we are reaching the turning point. Many in the body of Christ can sense it. There is an anticipation in the air. There is a breaking in our situations. A breakthrough is coming in our finances, in our health, in our relationships, in our emotional and mental wellbeing. Things are breaking loose. Those of us who are ending this month with obstacles and challenges in areas of our lives will see them turn around by the end of the next month. I believe that as we move into November, we will be positioned supernaturally to flourish in abundance. Supernatural growth will take place, and the miraculous will manifest.

Today, as I bring this Word to you, I believe I am to emphasize that we have a role in seeing this come to pass. We must continue to stand in faith, continuing to confess and believe the Word. We must continue to walk in the things the Lord has told us to do, whether it be in the area of giving, praying, spending time with Him, etc. Right before every manifestation, the enemy tries extra hard to bring discouragement and fatigue so that we will give up and abort it right as it is about to happen.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)

Stand just a bit longer. We are at the transition, the turning point. Due season is upon us! Hallelujah!