The Knowledge of the Glory

The Knowledge of the Glory

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV) emphasis mine

This verse has been misquoted many times, and I’ll admit that I’ve probably done it myself. Many people say that the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. It is the knowledge of the glory, not the glory, that this verse says will fill the earth.

The Lord drew my atention to this recently and He prompted me to check out the word knowledge in the original Hebrew. It is the word yada, which means to ascertain by seeing. In other words, the glory will be so prevalent on the earth that it will be seen everywhere. Multitudes will experience it. A tangible awareness of God and His glorious goodness will flood the earth. It won’t just be some hazy, vapor-like atmosphere, but the glory will be experienced by the physical senses.

Glory in the Hebrew is kabod, which means weight, in a good way- to be heavy with splendor and copiousness. The glory of God is heavy with the goodness of God and all He gives to us. Glory is weighted down with and full of power, healing, blessing, prosperity, peace, joy, and so much more! The glory will be accompanied by miracles, signs, and wonders. It will be virtually impossible not to notice the glory of the Lord.

The knowledge, or the awareness, of the glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Any child can tell us that the sea is covered 100% by water since water is what the sea is made of. So, that tells us that the experience of the glory of God will be found in every part of the world- in every corner, in every nation, in every nook and cranny. What a glorious and amazing time we are entering into!

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