Have Some Fun!

A joy-filled heart is curative balm, but a broken spirit hurts all the way to the bone. Proverbs 17:22 (The Voice, VOICE)

As Christians, it can be easy for us to become overly serious and solemn, especially when we look at the state of the world around us. But, God expects us to live in this world and in any situation with joy. It will keep us healthy and well in the midst of stressful circumstances. Joy is part of living a balanced life.

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17 (New Liing Translation, NLT)

Joy is an aspect of being in the Kingdom of God. As citizens of the heavenly realm, we are not subject to the cares of the world’s system. We can enjoy our lives no matter what others are doing. As a matter of fact, our constant joy and peace are to be a witness to others.

How long has it been since you laughed out loud? How long since you actually enjoyed a good side-splitting laugh? Find something to laugh at. Turn on a funny movie, Think of something funny. Even social media is full of funny videos and jokes. You may need to be intentional about it, but it is important to have some fun. God is fun. Yes, fun is in God’s vocabulary. He’s not stuffy and formal like many portray Him to be. Heaven is fun. God wants His kids to have fun.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at life. Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn to laugh at the devil’s pathetic attempts to bring you down. No matter what, have some fun and laugh, laugh, laugh!

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