The Value of Maturity and Wisdom

The Value of Maturity and Wisdom

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. Luke 1:40 (KJV)

God wants us to mature and be wise. This verse says the child Jesus grew and became strong in His spirit. He was filled with wisdom and God’s grace was on Him. When God’s grace is received and acted upon, it causes us to grow, become strong spiritually, become mature, and gain wisdom.

As the years go by, we learn to deal with life in a more mature manner. We’ll think, talk, and act differently. What tripped us up before will no longer do so because we are mature enough to handle things in a godly way- by our spirit man and not by emotion or flesh. We make wise decisions, based on God’s Word. As we learned to apply God’s Word to every situation in life, we grow and mature.

Maturity and wisdom tells us when to hold on and when to let go. It indicates whether we should stay or leave, wait or proceed, talk or listen. God’s grace empowers us to grow in maturity and wisdom- we don’t have to do it alone. When God graces us to do something, it isn’t a struggle. We’ll learn our lessons quicker and sooner, instead of wasting years, finances, relationships, and opportunities.

As we mature and become wiser, God can give us what He has for us because we are growing and becoming who He made us to be. We’ll handle things better. With maturity and wisdom, we can live life the way God intended- with peace and fulfillment.

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