More Grace

But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6 (NKJV)

We all face life issues, and at times, we need more grace than at other times- more of God’s divine ability working on our behalf. What we face may be more severe or last longer than we want. We may have to endure something longer than we thought. In these times, we need more grace, but how do we get more grace? The Bible has the answer.

According to James, God gives grace to the humble. As we humble ourselves, saying, “God this is too big for me,” God begins to give us more of His grace. In so doing, He helps us through things and gives us the ability to overcome anything we encounter. He gives us more grace to overcome our weaknesses, failures, missed opportunities, sins, sickness, lack, bad experiences and bad relationships. Instead of being swallowed up in defeat, God graces us, gives us a fresh outpouring and filling of His Spirit, and bestows His ability, power and presence upon us. He gives us the fulfillment of His promises to help us overcome and make it through. As a result, we see prayers answered, and worries and perplexitites leave us. And it happens when we humble ourselves and rely upon Him to grace us.

God’s grace is greater than all we face. Grace, grace, and more grace!

First and Last

First and Last

Never Less-Than

Never Less-Than