Get A Grip

Take heed unto thyself. I Timothy 4:16 (KJV)

When we feel like we’re coming apart at the seams and we think we’re coming undone, we must take hold of ourselves tightly and get a firm grip. We cannot let every little thing bother us and upset us. If we do, we won’t be any good to anyone- including ourselves.

We must get a hold of ourselves before our emotions and thoughts get out of control. We must be vigilant about how we think and the thoughts we accept. By controlling our thoughts, we can control our words, and thus, control our emotions. This, in turn, helps us with our responses and actions. And praying in tongues will always help to calm us down.

As we do this, we’ll keep our joy and peace and we’ll be able to deal with things that come in a calm, cool, and collected manner. This is healthier for us and allows us to be a good witness for Jesus. People won’t want to become Christians if we portray ourselves as emotional basket cases.

When you feel like you may come apart, then come apart from everyone and everything. Set some time to be with Jesus and let Him minister to you. Chances are, if you’re frequently feeling edgy, then it’s probably because you aren’t spending regular, quality time with the Lord. Being with Him will allow you to receive what you need to stay in peace and to be a blessing to others.

Healing in the Word

Healing in the Word

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Knowing and Believing