True Vs. False

True Vs. False

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 (KJV)

There are a lot of belief systems in this world. How do we know if something is truth or if it is a false religion or a cult? We know by what they believe about Jesus. If they do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is God, they are a false religion. As we see above, Jesus clearly stated that He is the only way, so we cannot agree with those who say that many roads lead to heaven, because they do not. I have compiled a brief list of some ways we can distinguish between Christianity and false religions.


  • CHRISTIANITY: Jesus is God and became man, and He is the Son of God and is to be worshiped.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Jesus was a good man (if they acknowledge Jesus at all) and was not the Son of God, therefore they do not worship Him.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Jesus is the only way to God

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Either they claim their way is the only way or they claim that there are many ways to God.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Believes Jesus died on the cross and rose again,

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Either they do not accept that Jesus was ever crucified or they teach that He was crucified and is still dead.

  • CHRISTIANITY: The shed blood of Jesus has provided salvation and forgiveness of sin.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Man’s good works must save him.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Believes in the Trinity, the Godhead that is three in one- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Deny the Trinity.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Believes the Hoy Bible is truth.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Deny the Bible is true and many have their own counterfeit “holy” books.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Believes in a literal heaven and a literal hell.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Some believe in a literal heaven, but most do not believe in a literal hell.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Jesus will one day return for His faithful believers to catch them away and will eventually return to the earth to set up His kingdom.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: Do not believe Jesus is returning because they do not believe in Him at all.

  • CHRISTIANITY: Jesus was with God in the beginning as part of the Trinity and was active in creation.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: They believe Jesus was created by God (if they acknowledge Him at all).

  • CHRISTIANITY: Jesus’ acts on the earth are still being done today.

  • FALSE RELIGIONS: If they acknowledge Jesus and the miracles He did, they do not believe they are still being done by people today.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives us enough to be able to differentiate between the truth and a counterfeit. It is important to know the truth and believe the truth. Jesus alone is the Way to heaven, the Son of God, and He is the Sacrifice that saves men’s souls. Any other belief is a lie.

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