Never Forget

Most of us who were alive and old enough to remember 9-11-01 know exactly where we were when we heard about the terror attacks on the twin towers, the Pentagon, and the botched attempt that ended in a plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania. It’s been 20 years, and today we resolve to never forget the people who lost their lives, the righteous fury we felt that day, and the determination to persevere in the face of national calamity. And we pray for those who still feel the pain.

Today, we also take time to reflect on those heroes, the first responders, who ran into danger to save their fellow man. We remember the fire fighters, the police, the paramedics, and countless others who risked their lives, and in some instances, gave their lives, to rescue others. The Bible tells us this is the true meaning of love- to give your life for another.

We’ve had 20 years to process this tragedy, yet, after 20 years, we still have many unanswered questions. After 20 years we wonder if the true perpetrators have all been brought to justice. After 20 years, we still have a keen sense of loss and a real inner anger at the senseless destruction and loss of life. I believe we have yet to experience true closure.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 (KJV)

Our God is just. Our God is all-knowing. Our God has a way of taking horrific things and somehow turning them for good. I choose to trust God in this. He knows what happened that day. He saw the wicked plots and plans. He saw all the people involved in the attack- including those not yet identified. And He will make sure justice is served. He will take the monumental horror of 9-11 and use it to bring out truth. He will use it to promote righteousness. He will cause the tragedy to somehow bring triumph to this nation once again.

I believe there are truths about that day that He will show us that will bring great shock to many. I believe we will learn things that will be very painful. But, once we know the truth, then we can truly be healed as a people. September 11 is a date that will not be forgotten, but I am hopeful that we’ll be able to view it differently once God shows us what really happened. Once we experience the healing that the truth brings, we will be able to move on and live our lives in honor of those who died and those who experienced great hardship as a result of what they experienced that day. He will make sure those who perished and suffered did not do so in vain. God will never let the enemy have the final word- and that includes the events of September 11, 2001.

We pledge to always remember September 11 and live our lives as a memorial to those we lost. We declare that righteousness and justice will prevail in the United States of America. We commit to always pursue truth and freedom for all. God bless the USA.

He Sent His Word And Healed Us

He Sent His Word And Healed Us

Reputation and Image

Reputation and Image