Peace: Your Protection Against Difficult People

Peace: Your Protection Against Difficult People

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18 (KJV)

This verse tells us that if it is possible, live in peace with others as much as you can. Of course, some people are just naturally easy to get along with while others are not. We must try our best to get aloong with them without compromise. Some people are peace makers and others are trouble makers, but we are to try to get along with everyone- without going contrary to God’s Word.

You may have to be the first one to give in a realtionship. You may be the first to apologize. You may have to accept some people as they are- without condemning them or their sinful choices. You might be the more mature one in a relationship and need to be patient with their immaturity. When we do these things, it sets an example that people will eventually follow and it creates an atmosphere of approachability.

If someone in your life gives you a hard time, keep your peace. Their troublesome actions are not worth losing your peace. Some people are always causing drama and it simply is not worth getting upset. You can confront them, but do it in as loving a way as possible- in a peaceful manner. And if someone hurts you, release it from your coul and don’t relive it over and over in your mind or by talking about it.Forgive them and give it over to God and refuse to dwell on it. And sometimes, when possible, we have to walk away from certain relationships in order to protect our peace.

It is true that in this world we will have problems and trials, but we can maintain our peace as we go through them. To keep our peace, we have to love, forgive, pray, and move on. God’s desire is for us to have peace. God has called us to peace. He is our peace. So, choose to walk in peace, regardless of what you face.

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