Sensitive to God- Part 1: Jesus

Sensitive to God- Part 1: Jesus

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 (KJV)

As Christians, having a solid walk with God means being sensitive to Him- each and every part of Him- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the Lord to lead us, we must be sensitive to hear Him, and today we’re going to talk about being senstive to Jesus Christ. The Lord is three Persons in One and He leads us with all parts of Himself.

We must be sensitive to know and hear Jesus, just like sheep know and hear the voice of their shepherd. As we are sensitive to Him, He will let us know what to do and what not to do. Developing a sensitivity to the Lord can keep us out of a lot of trouble.

To be sensitive to God, we must listen to God and His Word. Jesus is called the Word of God, and to be sensitive to Him, we must be sensitive to the Word. As we are, He will let us know in our heart the direction to take in any situation. There will be a knowing- like a tug, a nudge, a sense of peace, or a lack of peace. In this way, He leads us to go or pull back, to press on or resist. He will lead us into right relationships and steer us clear of wrong ones. He will help you make right decisions- such as how to spend your money, the place to live, how to guard your health, and so much more. He’ll even tell you whether to vax or not to vax, the job offers to turn down, and the right person to marry. But, if you haven’t developed a sensitivity to the Good Shepherd’s voice, you’ll have difficulty hearing His guidance when you need it.

As we pray, spend time in the Word, take time to be still and listen for His voice speaking to our heart, we’ll begin to know God and His promptings, leadings, and warnings. When you don’t feel right down in your spirit about something, then don’t do it. Don’t brush that feeling off. God may be telling you to stay away from someone or not to pursue a matter. Even if we don’t like what He is telling us, we have to understand that He is protecting us and He has a better plan. Don’t settle for less; wait for God’s best. Many times we may not know why the Lord is keeping us from something, but we must trust God, for He knows why.

The more experience we get with God, the easier it becomes to trust Him when we don’t have the full picture. The more we know the Word, the more we understand the thoughts of God and the simpler it is to follow Him. Familiarity with His Word makes us familiar with Jesus Christ, and thus we hear His voice and we follow.

Sensitive to God- Part 2: The Father

Sensitive to God- Part 2: The Father

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