A Deeper Word

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The Central Message

What is the underlying, central message of the Bible? What is it saying to us? Of course, salvation in Jesus Christ is a really good answer to that question, but we can go even deeper than that. Oddly enough, the central verse in the Bible points to the main message of God’s Word.

Psalms 118:8 is literally the middle verse in the Bible, with the same number of verses before and after it, when you include both testaments.

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8 (KJV)

God wants man to know that He alone can be trusted and relied upon. It’s a really simple concept, but faith in God is the central message of the Bible. We must trust in, or have faith in, an invisible God who chose to become one of us to save us from ourselves. Man’s tendency is to trust in what he can do or what he can see, but only trust and faith in God will save us.

Trust in God will provide the answers we seek to life’s questions. Faith and trust in Him alone will provide an escape from the penalty of Hell. Faith in God will give us the provisions we need, the love we crave, and the peace that would otherwise elude us. When we choose to trust God and not rely on the lower knowledge and wisdom of man, we receive everything we need.

People will fail us. We will fail ourselves. But, God cannot and will not fail us. Trusting in Him is the only solution to life’s problems and the only way to everlasting life. That’s truly the bottom line: trust in God and don’t put your trust, faith, and confidence in man.