All Things- Part 1

All Things- Part 1

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (KJV)

This verse says to give thanks for all things. What does this mean? What is it really saying? What it is NOT saying is to give thanks when bad things happen, such as sickness, death, broken relationships, etc. God does not bring bad, harmful things into our lives. Instead, we are to give thanks for God because He will work good out of the bad things we experience.

As we thank God, this releases God to go to work on our behalf to take bad things and bring something good out of them. In other words, no matter what happens in life, the bad is not caused by God but He can use it. God is good and in His goodness, He is working everything out for our good. Because God is good and never bad, we can thank Him for His goodness.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)

On the other hand, when we don’t give thanks in all things, it can hinder or delay God. But, as we line ourselves up with God’s Word, doing what it says, God gets to work. Whatever we missed out on, God will even work good out of those things.

When we give thanks to God in the Name of Jesus, we have now mixed our thanksgiving with the Name of Jesus- the Name above all names. Any bad that ever happened to us comes under Jesus’ Name. God and His goodness are then exalted and we see the hand of God make wrong things right and work good out of our messes. Something may have started out bad, but through the mercy and grace of God, it turns out for our betterment. And we’ll be better people because of God’s goodness. Imagine the devil’s frustration-every time he sends something awful our way, God intervenes and makes things better for us than if it had never happened! It must drive him crazy!

Thank God in the good times. Thank God in the midst of trouble and trial. Thank Him for the good He will bring out of it all. No matter what happens to us, His goodness is always working on our behalf. God will turn bad things into good things, and good things into God things!

All Things- Part 2

All Things- Part 2

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After