Special: You Be The Judge

Special: You Be The Judge

For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.John 8:32 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

Jesus was speaking in this verse, and He pointed out that truth brings freedom. I personally find it very troubling when someone lies to me or attempts to deceive me. It is worse than many other things they may do to me. There is something very evil about misleading someone or hiding the truth from them. Maybe it’s because lying and deception are the devil’s main mode of operation.

Recently, we have seen great deception, lying and covering of the truth. A few years ago, or even months ago, I would have never dreamed that we would be fighting a battle of this magnitude just to know the truth. And I would have never dreamed that God would lay on my heart to post some of the posts I have posted in the past couple months regarding our nation. As children of God, we are to stand up for right and reject evil, and often we are called to do so publicly. I believe it is my duty and yours, as believers, to stand for truth in every arena of life.

Because of this, I have to share something that will show you truth that cannot be ignored or dismissed. I have seen it myself and it clearly shows facts that everyone needs to be aware of. By now, you are aware that social media will try to squelch anything that does not fit their narrative of lies, so this is being circulated by email, text, and so on to go around them to get the proof out there for all to see. Therefore, I am sharing a website with you that you must go to, view the documentary shown there, and then share with as many people as you can by email, text, word of mouth, etc. The website is www.michaeljlindell.com and the documentary is called Absolute Proof. It is imperative you watch it and pass it on. I believe the Lord would have us all know the truth, and it is up to us to make sure everyone is made aware of the truth so they can be set free. The factual evidence is in the video. I simply want you to see it, and you be the judge about what is true and what is not. God bless America, and let’s keep her the land of the free and home of the brave.

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God Gives Us Sleep

The Great Divide

The Great Divide